Saturday, October 11, 2008


In a rare exchange of words yesterday, I realized that Benjamin is really understanding some things about life. Things that, for some of us, take years to understand---IF we ever understand it at all.

We happened to catch the start of "An Adoption Story" on TLC. Normally, we don't have the tv on during the day (unless it's for Blue's Clues or Sesame Street), but for some reason, it was on and was on this particular channel (we have NEVER watched a show on this channel before!). OK, so when we found out that the adoption story was about a little boy from Guatemala, we call gathered into the living room for a little break. When they first showed the sweet little guy, Benjamin exclaimed, "He looks like me! Look! Bwack hawr (black hair) and bwrown stin (brown skin)! Him from Manya-manya (Guatemala) too!". My heart just melted. It brought back so many memories!

Afterwards, I was cutting canteloupe in the kitchen and Ben was "helping". It was quiet and Ben was on the countertop beside of me. Without any prompting, he said, "Mommy, Mama Rosa took care of me in Manya-manya." I responded with, "Yes, she did. And she did a good job, too." His reply? "Yeah, her did. Jesus took care of me, too." My knife stopped. My heart stopped. My eyes teared.
"Yeah, baby..... He did. He sure does love you."
"Yeah, Mommy. Me know. Mommy?"
"What, Ben?"
"Someday me see Mamaw." (Mamaw is my mother who stepped into Heaven just weeks before Ben's homecoming).
"I know. Me too. I want to see Mamaw. She sure will be glad to finally give you a hug!"
"Someday me see Mia, too. Mamaw and Mia both in Heaven with Jesus." (Mia, our St. Bernard got hit right before we moved. Ben LOVED Mia.).
"I wonder if your Mamaw likes Mia?"
"Me don't know. But me take Jack-jack (our bassett) to see Mia. I guess him have to get hit by a car first."

Yeah. He gets it. He gets it.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful....and precious. It's amazing how kids think and speak. The true innocents and preciousness of a child is wonderful. Thanks for sharing...brought tears, smiles and joy into my heart. love ya, Elaine

Lynn said...

Awww...that made me cry. :)