Saturday, May 30, 2009


Ben had a birthday last month, and in all of our activities I'm just now getting some birthday pics up.

What a stinker..........

And yes, he is still sucking that thumb.
We're working on it, but I love the fact that he can soothe himself, so I'm not pushing it too hard.
And the blanket? Well, a certain little guy from the mountains gave that to him (it was his previously) when he came home from Guatemala. I've cut it up a few times, just to make it a little smaller and in hopes of getting him to give it up a little at a time, but I declare it is so darn cute when he sticks that little finger in the hole of one corner and then pops the thumb from the other hand in his mouth.
These are times I'm sure I'll cherish forever.

Hopefully there will be photos from his beach party to view sometime soon.....

Friday, May 29, 2009


My sister and my neice came to visit a few weeks ago. While here, we played around a little with photos, but not nearly like she wanted to. So, she left me a few that she took to mess with and send to her. Here's what she sees when she looks through the lens of her very nice Nikon.

Red Buds

A brand new grandson, Cyrus

This is my sister, known affectionately to her grandson as "Abby" (short for Abuelita) and her husband, Ronnie ("Grandaddy").

Isn't Cyrus a cutie?

Proud parents, Chris and Hollie

A little sight-seeing on Wilmington's Waterway downtown

Wrightsville Beach

Grandaddy babysitting

Little Cyrus

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Remember how I told you about a month and a half ago I had something nifty up my sleeve? Well, here they are: Storyboards.

They come in a huge variety of sizes and are definitely client-friendly, as each client can pick which photos they like best, add text, pick border color, etc...

They are definitely designer-friendly as I just LOVE doing some digital layout.....

These are only a few, but plan on seeing more.....
Keep an eye on the "Client Proofing" section of my website under "Storyboards".
That's where they'll be listed.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Barry and I had the awesome priveledge a few weeks ago to provide some engagment shots for a friend of ours.

Heather has been so sweet to our family for several years. She has helped them learn sign language and we enjoyed worshiping with her at church.

She and Jon have a July wedding planned and we are so excited.

We traveled to Orton Plantation in Wilmington for a few pics.....
Here's a sneak peek of a few of my favorites.

Jon and Heather:

You guys were so fun to work with! We can't wait until the wedding......

Monday, May 11, 2009


I had the very sweet opportunity this evening to photograph not an engagement, not a wedding, but some ANNIVERSARY photos.
DeWitt and Ruth have been married for 25 years and their children are hosting a very special surprise for them this weekend.
The photos are a part of this surprise.

I just love how they still kid around and make each other laugh 25 years and 4 kids later.

What a blessing it is to see two folks still so totally taken with each other and committed to putting God first.
Afterall, that's what got 'em through the first 25.

Best wishes, Ruth and Dewitt, for another blissful 25.
Thanks so much for letting us share in your happiness!