Thursday, March 4, 2010


The above photo is fake, faux, staged......
Alas, after our Christmas vacation (of which I have still yet to post some wonderful photos), we immediately began our school schedule for the Spring semester.
So, I took a few photos to commemorate the occassion.
As you can see from the above photo, the two girls tried to host a revolt by wearing their robes over their clothes, which I insisted they put on in the stead of those flannel pjs they came to know so well over the break.
Then, after gathering around the table for our first round of lessons, I said, "Alright, guys. Look excited about LEARNING!!!". Above is what I got.
Then.... seconds after that photo, I got the true side of life:

A little grumpy at rising early to study the Ancient Mayan culture?????

Bored, but resigned to the astounding attributes of learning..... yeah, right.

And this... no this is not fake, faux, or staged. Ah.... my lover of learning.

At this point, I think we were into some form of mathematics.... pre-algebra, maybe?

Ummmmmmm ~ diagramming prepositional phrases with adverbial clauses at this point.

Right before lunch, I think.......
So, the days have passed since our first day back at the grindstone, and everyone seems to have adjusted.
Now, our attention is turned to Ancient Greece and the making of a makeshift Trojan Horse.

That's right. A Trojan Horse out of an already used moving box, a toy Wal-mart grocery cart, and -you guessed it- duct tape!

Oh, there's more where this came from.....
Science Experiments, Puppets of Greek mythology made from toilet paper rolls, etc.....
But, that'll have to come another day. Be on the lookout, though.
It could be pretty interesting.


Bree said...

what beautiful kids! You may not know me, hahah, I am Thomas and Cecile's daughter.

I have a blog too and would love for you to follow it as well.

I also have a photo blog linked from there too.

I will be readin' ya! Take care and God bless!

Leah Maya Benjamin said...

well I must say it looks pretty exciting for school! too funny.

Katie said...

Hey, Momma! I tagged you in my newest post!