Thursday, January 22, 2009

P is for........

today's POST.

Amy, over at Hi, I'm Amy! gave me the letter, "P" to have a little fun with.

The object of this game, appropriately named "Alphabet Super Game", is to find 10 of your favorite things that start with the letter that your blogger (bloggess?) assigns you. So here we go:

1. Photography

Duh?!?!?! Does that surprise anyone? Although I wonder if it counts in phoenetics since "ph" is a phonogram for the "f" sound. Photography is so much fun, it's hard to count as "work" when I'm shooting. I'm just so thankful that God has given me this opportunity.....boy! I wish I could see things through the eye of my lens like I see them with the 2 lenses that he implanted in me.

2. Papas
My daddy definitely set an example for me in the line of what it means to be a "Papa". So, I have a pretty tough cut to make when it comes to this. The folks that measure up, well.... let's see. That would be my own Papa Jack, my kids' Papa Barry, and ummmmmmmm.... uh.........well, obviously my Heavenly Papa. He set the example. I just love how Papas interact with their kids. With their girls, they are sweet, gentle (well, most of the time), and so protective. With their boys, they are instructive, playful, and eventually "one of the guys".

3. Presents
Who doesn't like getting a present from time to time? I love 'em! I don't know if that's my "Love Language" or not, but it thrills me to get an unexpected gift - especially if it is wrapped oh-so-nice (no Daddy, I'm not talking about comic wrapping paper!). I like the bows, the curling ribbon, and beautiful paper. I almost like it better than what's inside. OOPS. I probably shouldn't have let that out. Now all I'll receive will be pretty EMPTY boxes.

4. Piano
After taking lessons most of my young life, just in the last 3-4 years have I truly begun to enjoy playing the piano. I like reading music, but have a real affection for just playing around with chords. I like adding my own flair and interpretation and had a really fun time, both spiritually speaking, when Barry and I played with Exitup. I guess that's one of the things I miss most about living in on the Parkway. Anyway, yeah - add piano that list.

5. Peanut Butter
Granted, now may not be the best time to be enjoying peanut butter in any sort of manner. But, that doesn't stop me from loving it. Peanut butter and banana sandwiches, Reese's Cups, Honeycrust, Grilled Peanut butter sandwiches (heavenly!), and on and on and on..... I love it ALL!

6. Parts of Speech
Yeah, nerdy. I can't help it. I have been so made fun of for loving Grammar. My kids think I'm the Grammar Queen, and they despise it. I love paragraphs, punctuation, participles, prepositions, ...... shall I go on? I didn't think so.

7. Pens
Specifically, colored ZIG pens. I was labeled anal-retentive in college for always color-coding my notes (especially in Humanities - that class was so confusing!). I continually carried around about 10 different colored pens so that I was always prepared. Believe it or not, those pens saved my rear on more than one occassion during a test (I could recall what my study notes looked like due to the colorful pages).

8. Paid
What a wonderful word. Need I explain more?

9. Paleontology Archeology
Where did that come from? I am absolutely thrilled with Creation Scientists and apologetics. I find it incredibly interesting, spiritual, and almost breath-taking when I realize how wonderful God created us, our world, and then He gives us little dibbles of proof scattered here and there all over the place.

10. My Peanuts
I know that I already mentioned peanut butter, but I'm speaking of another type of Peanut: KT Peanut, Jackie Peanut, Joseph Peanut, and Benjamin Peanut (maybe even Barry Peanut). They are the joy in my step and the smile on my face (and sometimes the burr in my fur)..... But, I love them all and am so thankful for them.

Now, if you think you'd like to participate, please send me a quick note, and I'll send you a letter.

1 comment:

C McPherson said...

#7. Holy Comoly! That is exactly what I did in college, too! A different color for each day of the week. No wonder I am so anal about red for right in handbell music!
Just another good reason to have you for a friend!